USTGS-CCCPET and RCCAH tackled ‘Adaptive Reuse’ in Heritage Forum

The UST GS CCCPET and the RCCAH collaborated to promote the conservation approach of adaptive reuse for historic buildings. Through the Heritage Forum entitled “Solution to Demolition: Adaptive Reuse to the Rescue” last April 13, 2021, the webinar publicly introduced the Adaptive Reuse Sustainability Index of Dr Mary Anne V. Bulanadi of the College of Fine Arts ad Design. Other resource speakers were Mayor Alfredo Valdez of San Nicolas, Ilocos Norte sharing the development of the Buabo-Buabo Museum-a water turned museum, Idr. Leo Lino Almeria on Hotel Alejandrino, Ms. Ria Benedicto-Villavicencio on Adaptive Restoration: Tomorrow’s “Intagrammabl” Taal Landmark and Ar. Caryn P. Santillan on mASEANA Workshop: Report + Future Directions. The webinar was attended by interior design, architecture, and heritage students and advocates.