USTGS-CCCPET and DOT8 partners for Fr Ignacio Alcina’s Online Lecture Series

The UST Graduate School – Center for Conservation of Cultural Property and Environment in the Tropics (UST GS CCCPET) collaborated with Department of Tourism Region 8 in conducting FR IGNACIO ALCINA’S BISAYAN ISLANDS IN THE 21ST CENTURY, ON-LINE HERITAGE WEBINAR SERIES, A QUINCENTENARY CELEBRATION OF THE PHILIPPINES. This partnership was supported by the Tourism Promotions Board (TPB) and the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines (CBCP) Episcopal Commission for the Cultural Heritage of the Church (ECCHC). The weekly webinar began last January 20 and will close on March 10, 2021.
The series highlights the crucial contribution of Fr Francisco Ignacio Alcina in defining the history of the islands of Samar and Leyte. Fr. Alcina, a Jesuit missionary chronicler, travelled in the islands of Samar and Leyte in the 17th century. His documentation has been enshrined in a three volume work ‘History of the Visayas Islands’ published by the University of Santo Tomas and provides a clear illustration of the lifeways of people. In addition, the webinar aims to impress the value of extensive research and documentation in developing meaningful community tourism programs, to illustrate the wholistic approach of cultural heritage studies traversing the past, present and future dimensions, utilizing various credible sources of information and to contribute to the quin-centenary narrative of the national government.
Episodes feature specialists and researchers, mostly UST Cultural Heritage Studies Alumni, discussing certain themes that have been sourced from Fr. Alcina’s historical accounts. The lectures highlight the discoveries of Alcina during his missionary work and how these elements are evident until today in their original, modified or derivative Bisayan forms and expressions. The roster of speakers are Dr. Rolando Borrinaga (Unpublished Alcina’s), Dr Cheek Fadriquela (Wood), Dir. Cora Alvina (Weaponry), Mr Emil Justimbaste (Townships), Fr Gilbert Urbina (Evangelization), Asst. Prof. Leo Almeria (Jewelry), Ms. Kinna Mae Kwan (Diplomacy) and Dr Francis Navarro (Documentary Heritage).
The podcast is every Wednesday through zoom and livestreamed in the Facebook pages of USTGS-CCCPET, Department of Tourism Region VIII and the CBCP ECCHC.