USTGS-CCCPET turns over report for Samar Island Natural Park nomination as world heritage site

The UST Graduate School – Center for Conservation of Cultural Property and Environment in the Tropics (UST GS CCCPET) continues to provide valuable assistance to the Samar Provincial Government with the Samar Province Cultural Education Curriculum (SPCEC), part of the Cultural Heritage Values Interpretation Towards Education and Utilization for Community Development: A Cultural Mapping Continuing Project Phase 2. Dovetailing from the CCCPET facilitated cultural mapping of Samar in 2017, the curriculum development guideline was submitted last January 2021, premised on the home, community, and the school as critical agents of empowerment.
USTGS-CCCPET team, headed by Assoc. Prof. Eric Zerrudo PhD, collaborated with the Curriculum Development Team, composed of UST Institute of Religion (IR) faculty members and professors from other Samar universities, endorsed by Fr. Florentino Bolo OP, Director of IR, and represented by Prof. Joan Christi T. Bagaipo PhD. Initially, faculty researchers from the College of Education were selected but the heavy impact of the covid19 to the budget, mobility and logistics led to a small UST team. The Samar Provincial Government and the Department of Education Samar strongly supported the project.