USTGS-CCCPET launched cultural mapping jamboree in Dioceses of Tagbilaran and Talibon

The UST GS CCCPET launched the cultural mapping jamboree in the Dioceses of Tagbilaran and Talibon. The assemblies were successively held in the Diocese of Tagbilaran last October 15-16, 2021 and in the Diocese of Talibon last October 17-19, 2021. Organized by the respective Diocesan Commissions for Church Heritage, the projects were highly endorsed by Most Rev Alberto Uy, DD of the Diocese of Tagibilaran and by Most Rev. Patrick Daniel Parcon DD of the Diocese of Talibon. The composite effort was a creative collaboration of Fr Milan Ted Torralba, Chair of the Diocese of Tagbilaran Church Heritage Commission, Fr. Johnson Galuara, Chair of the Diocese of Tagbilaran Youth Commission and Fr Melvin Tajale, Point Person for Diocese of Talibon cultural mapping project. The cultural mapping jamboree intends to mobilize the Diocesan Youth Commissions to undertake the church heritage mapping of their respective parishes. Recalling the unfortunate experience of Bohol island in the 2013 earthquake that destroyed and damaged historic churches in both Dioceses, the youth will be engaged in identifying and documenting the church heritage, both natural and cultural, for their appreciation, protection and civic action. The jamboree, a series of team-building and field research activities, will roll out for six (6) months through a hybrid format- face-face and on-line learning delivery. The online format will utilize the Heritage On-line Mapping Experience (HOME) platform of the UST GS CCCPET. Assoc. Prof Eric B. Zerrudo PhD will conduct the cultural mapping jamboree assisted by Ms Beverly Bautista of the UST GS CCCPET.