USTGS-CCCPET initiates conservation projects in Carigara and Dulag in Leyte

The GS CCCPET, represented by Assoc. Prof Eric Zerrudo PhD (Director) and Ms. Beverly Bautista (Support Staff), collaborated with the Department of Tourism (DOT) Region 8, represented by Regional Director Karen Santiago Tiopes and Tourism Consultant Antonio Cinco, in opening dialogues regarding heritage conservation towards potential tourism products in Carigara and Dulag, Leyte last February 15, 2024.
The USTGS-CCCPET and DOT8 composite team visited Carigara, Leyte, the earliest site of Catholic evangelization in the region. In the población, the Old Municipal Building, a 19th century wood and coral stone structure, was assessed for future local museum and library. Local officials led the Hon. Jimmy A. Camposano (Mun Vice Mayor), Hon Anabel N. Crisostomo (SB Chairperson-Committee on Tourism), EnP Daryl Daniel Bodo- MPDC and Designate Tourism Officer, Ms. Sharmain Inalisan (Tourism Staff) and Ms. Charlotelyn Miranda- Librarian/Museum in Charge, attended the casual meeting and planning activity. Other sites were assessed such as the House with Outside Posts, Ruins in Binungto-an River and the foundry of the black smithing (sundang) industry.
The afternoon activity opened discussions with officials in Dulag, Leyte led by Mayor Mildred Joy Que and Tourism Officer Jed. Interest focused on the temporary development of a war exhibition featuring Barangay Rawis, location of the Japanese Air Command during World War II. The barangay residents shared their private collections of war memorabilia and paraphernalia under make shift recreational tents. Eventually, this exhibition aims to formally open on the 80th Anniversary of the Gen. Douglas McArthur’s Leyte Landing in October 2024. Follow up consultations are scheduled to develop the workplan and funding for the projects.